special day!!

Today is a special day for us! August 30 the release of our debut full length album "formanta" on the "parallax sounds" label. album contains 10 tracks recorded over several years and formed in 2009.
The album features the old vintage 1970's russian synthesizer "formanta" with it's lovely warmth sounds. Each track on the album flows into the next track, it's like you take the first steps into a forest and each track takes you deeper into the forest and takes you on a journey through the seasons cycle. The background noise between each track might suggest the album could of been created outside giving it that field sound recording of a natural vibe.
"Formanta" album will be available to buy on download / digi-lancing pack cd and also available to buy on special handmade digipack cd (Limited to 50 copies only)
or here or write to e-mail: billyfishbrown@yahoo.com


2muchachos track "symerki" from upcoming al'bum "formanta" played on DANDELION - JOHN PEEL RADIO!
Mark Whitby playing Symerki in August show on Dandelion Radio, streaming at a different time each day throughout the month at www.dandelionradio.com. You can find exact times at www.dandelionradio.com/schedule.htm.

also : 2muchachos tracks "thaw" and "dreaming girl" played on Vidroazul Radio!